AllMinerals/JohnBetts-FineMinerals > Online Mineral Museum Photographic Archive > Minerals from Utah > Opalized Fluorite var. Tiffany Stone (3 of 3 from same nodule)



Online Mineral Museum Archive of Mineral Photographs and Mineral Descriptions from John Betts - 
Fine and


Opalized Fluorite var. Tiffany Stone (3 of 3 from same nodule) from Brush Wellman Mine, Spor Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah

Opalized Fluorite var. Tiffany Stone (3 of 3 from same nodule) from Brush Wellman Mine, Spor Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah

Opalized Fluorite var. Tiffany Stone (3 of 3 from same nodule) from Brush Wellman Mine, Spor Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah

Opalized Fluorite var. Tiffany Stone (3 of 3 from same nodule) from Brush Wellman Mine, Spor Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah

Photo below under shortwave ultraviolet illumination:
Opalized Fluorite var. Tiffany Stone (3 of 3 from same nodule) from Brush Wellman Mine, Spor Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah

Mineral:Opalized Fluorite var. Tiffany Stone (3 of 3 from same nodule)
Locality:Brush Wellman Mine, Spor Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah
Description:Sawn slice from a nodule of Tiffany Stone, the gem varietal name for the opalized fluorite nodules found at this mine. The interior is mostly translucent purple fluorite with a mixture of bertrandite, beryl, quartz, dolomite, rhodonite, manganese oxides. Collected ca. 1985
Overall Size:5.5x3.2x0.5 cm
Archived: For reference only






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