AllMinerals/JohnBetts-FineMinerals > Online Mineral Museum Photographic Archive > Minerals from South Africa > Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond)



Online Mineral Museum Archive of Mineral Photographs and Mineral Descriptions from John Betts - 
Fine and


Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond) from Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond) from Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond) from Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond) from Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond) from Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond) from Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond) from Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Mineral:Diamond (2.56 carat cuttable gem-grade pale-gray octahedral uncut diamond)
Locality:Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Description:Lustrous transparent pale-gray natural uncut diamond with classic octahedral form and faces composed of many trigons and parallel crystallization patterns. Internally the diamond has a few small inclusions clustered in one corner, the rest is clean.
Overall Size:8x7.5x6 mm
Crystals:8 mm
Archived: For reference only






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